Shauna Mei - Friend of the Week

Shauna's What "I have been burning incense like crazy... Not just for the scent.. But the feeling and vibration I feel walking into a room where incense is burning.. Automatically triggers me to be at ease and very PRESENT."Amy and I met Shauna Mei in 2010 when she launched her company AHAlife, an online shopping site with curated goods from around the globe. Shauna is an MIT engineer turned tech entrepreneur who has grown her startup into a world class marketplace of artisans and discerning buyers. She's always been a supportive confidante and collaborator ours.shaunamei2

Friend Of The Week: 11 Questions

  1. Nickname? Shauna-Mei (some of my friends call me by my full name with a southern twang)
  1. Where do you live? Williamsburg, Brooklyn
  1. What are you working on or how do you spend your days? Growing AHAlife, a curated marketplace for high-quality independent designers and artisans from around the world.
  1. If you could have anyone in the world over to dinner, who would it be? Oprah. I really align with her spiritual side and want to discuss how to collectively build a more conscious world.
  1. What do you wonder about? Education, and how we can spread more awareness and knowledge throughout the world… basically for everyone to be more open-minded and accepting so we stop fighting.
  1. If you could wake up with any superpower, what would it be? Ability to read minds.
  1. What qualities do your favorite people have in common? Extremely free-spirited, giving and funny.
  1. What's the most awkward accidental text or email you've ever sent or received? Honestly, I can’t recall anything…. Mostly because I automatically free my mind of negative and/or extraneous memories.
  1. What is too serious to be joked about? Health issues and recently I’ve been learning more and more about mental health and think that our society should be taking this much more seriously.
  1. What is the most inspiring thing you've seen, watched, or read recently? I have started reading the Gita and each page is changing my perspective on life.
  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? With my wonderful family, continuing to make a bigger impact on celebrating and protecting creativity. Learning a deeper appreciation for life each day and having more wisdom. It’s all about the journey, there is not destination.
FriendsAmy Parker