Damiana Liqueur. The Female Viagra?

In 2001, Amy discovered the liqueur Damiana on a trip to Cabo San Lucas with her then-boyfriend, now husband. A bartender suggested they add a few shots to their margaritas because Damiana had magical powers that guaranteed “lots of sexy time." Amy gave it a try and within a half hour felt the effects of this sweet golden liquid. Without getting too graphic, let's just say that Damiana has blossoming effects in the nether region by stimulating blood flow. It’s known as a natural female viagra and has been used as an aphrodisiac for centuries beginning with the ancient Mayans. For a full run down on the history and benefits, read here.


Over the years Amy has carried many bottles of Damiana over the border. She's served it at dinner parties, given it as a gift, and enjoyed it at her wedding. Esperanza Resort in Cabo even has a couples spa treatment appropriately named, Damiana Alegre (translation: happy). And yes she's tried that couples treatment and can vouch that it was one of the most memorable spa experiences to-date.

Happily, she no longer needs to travel to Mexico for her Damiana, as it’s been available in the states for quite a few years now. You can get yours at BevMo or another online/offline retailer. Here’s her newest favorite Damiana Margarita recipe

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