We’ve been at The What for over a year now and, aside from being chief tasters at La Maison du Chocolat, there really is no better “job.” But, Amy and I have been doing some thinking ... the only way we could improve this gig is to create a community of women we can interact with so it’s not such a one-way street. Write newsletter. Hit send. Silence.


Last year we created a closed Fb group called

Say What

with a few hundred friends as a private place to have more intimate discussions. The content percolated lightly until earlier this week when we posed a question to the group—something we were actually chatting about real time: “Aside from the obvious, how else do you find pleasure. Go!” Within seconds the comments started pouring in. And so did requests from 400 women to join our forum. The responses were relaxing and fun to read. A bulb went off. What if we could always include our readers in our conversations? Duh, perhaps this is the connection we were missing. Maybe everyone craves this—a cozy shelter from the storm of daily stressors.So we thought, okay, we’ll open this up to you, dear reader. If connecting with us, not to mention the dynamic (smart, helpful, compassionate, open-minded, mischievous, witty) women in our group is something you crave then request membership now. We only have three rules to be part of our community and a one-strike policy: Be kind. No politics. No self-promotion. 

If these are rules you can abide by, come on in

. We’re all waiting for you.

PopularAmy Parker