The What Readers' Picks: 20 Maxi Dresses

The Maxi Dress has been around for more than a decade. We remember wearing ours as early as 2000 and it makes sense that, like leggings, it's more than a trend. The Maxi is now a year-round staple. Plus, who doesn't love an elegant eating dress?  We asked 20 friends, of all ages, to show us the maxis they're coveting this season and here are the results, ranging in price from $25 - $600.The Avery Dress in Terra $180  NadeStudio2The Avery Dress in Coral Deco $180Novella-Royale-Beth-Dress-Red-Gardener-Front-2Red Slip Dress $218ULLF-WD56_V1unnamedunnamed-1LEML-WD5_V1                            Yolinda_Black_and_Ivory_Stripe_26057_1024x1024004-217-3VBEF-WD2_V1 outfit_1039433_164951.0.zoom66670.0.zoomBohoMeTie Front Maxi $25FreePeopleWaterDressFringed Crochet Maxi $198 Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 4.24.35 PMEcote Marietta Maxi $189Screen Shot 2016-05-11 at 8.24.53 AM

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