Our Friend of the Week - Brooke Travis

Your City: New York CityBrooke’s What –“Manzairaku Sake - perfect summer alternative to rosé that's just starting to be distributed in NYC. Also the NW Method classes, my Gaia wicker bag and weekend road trips to the Jersey Shore in our old little convertible!Processed with VSCOcam with b5 preset


  1. Nickname Simply B – created by my nephews, it has become a short hand with close friends and family
  2. What’s your short story? I was born in a very exotic place called New Jersey. But truthfully, I loved growing up there. It was diverse, progressive and still one of the cutest towns within a stone’s throw of New York City. I grew up during what I consider to be the best time in fashion – the 90’s – so I’m thrilled with the moment its having this year. I studied journalism and marketing at Lehigh University and have been working in communications and marketing roles since I moved to NYC 15 years ago (crazy!) across a variety of industries including retail, hospitality and health and wellness. I have a deep passion for great brands and finding ways to tell compelling stories about them that resonate with consumers.
  3. What’s your jam? Currently, Could You Be Loved – the RAC Remix. I got married in Jamaica a few months ago and listening to this version takes me back to all of those magical memories.
  4. What motivates you? People, brands, ideas that are brave inspire me. Also, I’ve been fortunate to work for empowered, crazy smart, compassionate female leaders over the years and they have always inspired me. My philosophy: Keep moving.
  5. Who do you think you’d have great friend chemistry with? I have a deep love for Nora Ephron so I’m hopeful she would have loved me back.
  6. What qualities do your favorite friends have in common? Individuality and spirit. And a love of wine or whiskey.
  7. What’s the smartest, most inspiring, awesome thing you’ve read, watching or listened to? I am so inspired right now watching the Olympics. I scream at the television like a crazy person during the swimming. I am so inspired by these stories of determination. Right now, I am reading Night by Elie Wiesel for the first time. My mother and I are reading it together which we try to do when we know a book will need conversation. It is deeply painful and incredibly important.
  8. What whets your appetite? Three things: 1) Recently, we have have been listening to the Prince Street variety show on our summer road trips. They profile great stories by people who love food, for people who love food. They are awesome. 2) A martini at Raoul’s in Soho. 3) My greatest pleasure is a long day in the sun - anywhere in the world – it brings me supreme happiness.
  9. What’s next on your To Do List? I have embarked on a long term project to compile my families photos and to record our stories and histories. I’m suddenly very aware of time and making sure we don’t lose all the oral history that lives with our parents about our lives.
  10. How are you friends with Gina + Amy? I was working at Club Monaco many years ago, where we were a client of Amy and Gina's popular site, Splendora. We’ve been soul sisters ever since. Amy is a total ray of sunshine. I feel lucky that after all of these years, work and travel brings us to each other’s coasts and we pick up exactly where we left off. And loving Gina is like loving Amy.
  11. Who would you nominate for our next Friend of the Week? Jessica Soffer, author of the fantastic Tomorrow There Will be Apricots, writer and teacher, lover of champagne and fellow food fanatic.
FriendsAmy Parker