BOOK REVIEW - Disability Visibility edited by Alice Wong

by Fran Hauser
Guest Editor

Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century by Alice Wong

1 in 5 people in the US live with a disability, yet their stories are underrepresented in media and pop culture. Disability Visibility is a beautiful collection of first-person writing about the joys and challenges of living with a disability - everything from parenting with a disability to how a blind astronomer found a way to hear the stars! There are essays, blog posts, manifestos, eulogies, and testimonies to Congress. Alice Wong does an excellent job of bringing together a variety of voices including authors, politicians, activists and everyday people, who generously share their lives and perspectives with us.  This book opened my eyes to my own assumptions and understanding of disability. It also got me thinking about what I can personally do to amplify the voices of disabled authors and creators. 

Fran Hauser is a bestselling author, startup investor and champion of women. For more of her book recommendations, follow @fransbookshelf on Instagram.


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