BOOK REVIEW - Personal History by Katharine Graham
by Fran Hauser
Guest Editor
Personal History by Katharine Graham
Personal History is Katharine Graham’s memoir. She became the first female Fortune 500 CEO when she took over at The Washington Post and her life was absolutely fascinating. Get this:
• She and her husband were important members of the Washington social scene and helped get LBJ and JFK into office!
• Warren Buffet was her mentor
• Truman Capote was her close friend - he threw the most legendary party of the 20th century: The Black and White Ball, in honor of Katharine
• She presided over the Washington Post during Watergate
• Meryl Streep played her in the movie The Post, which depicted Graham’s historic legal battle to publish the Pentagon Papers
I went into this expecting a book about leadership/women’s empowerment, but it's so much more than that! It’s as juicy and riveting as your best suspense novel.
Fran Hauser is a bestselling author, startup investor and champion of women. For more of her book recommendations, follow @fransbookshelf on Instagram.
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